Information & Membership Kit

Becoming a Member will give you a great deal of benefits to both enrich your life and the lives of your family. As a Member, you will have access to a range of benefits and services that non-member beneficiaries don’t have access to. Benefits for education, health, aged care, funerals, solar power, vehicle care, financial planning, wealth creation and so much more.

Please keep in mind that as a Member, you will not only have rights, but you will also have certain obligations that come with your membership.
Among other rights, as a Member:

  • You can attend, speak and vote at a general meeting or AGM of the Corporation.
  • You can be elected or appointed as a Director (subject to conditions).
  • You can put forward Resolutions to be voted on at a meeting in accordance with procedures.
  • You can ask the Directors to provide access to records or books in accordance with the Rule Book.
  • You can have any dispute with another Member or with Directors dealt with under the Dispute Resolution Process.

To become, or at least apply for membership, there are certain criteria that must be followed and will need to apply to you. We have provided an easy access Membership Kit that gives detailed information and an application.

To view the kit you will need the Acrobat Reader as they are in the common PDF format. This format is universal and allows an easy delivery of the document in the way it was intended. If you do not have the Reader, which is free, use the button below to download and install it.

Gumala Aboriginal Corporation (GAC)

To be eligible to be a Member of Gumala Aboriginal Corporation you must be 18+ years of age, complete an application form for Membership and must be recognised as an individual of one of our three language groups: Banjima, Nyiyaparli or Yinhawangka. If you are a registered Member of Gumala Aboriginal Corporation, you will be entered onto our Register of Members.


Community Members have access to the IBN Charitable Foundation, which delivers the Community Programs and a range of different projects and services to improve the lives of the IBN Community. New members can join IBN from 16 years of age and will need to complete the two membership forms, listed below. Copies can also be collected from any IBN office.

COMMUNITY: It's for our people and our future.

For all our members to benefit for now and all generations