
Financial Support COVID-19

Entitlements to financial support (COVID-19) Coronavirus (COVID-19) and changes to your payments and services. If you’re in one of the following groups, check if there’s a change for you:  JobSeekers  People with disability  Carers Older Australians Student and trainees Families and separated parents People who don’t get a payment from us.  You can report your income in any […]



Social Distancing COVID 19

Social Distancing One way to slow the spread of viruses is social distancing (also called physical distancing). The more space between you and others, the harder it is for the virus to spread. In public Social distancing in public means people: stay at home unless is absolutely necessary keep 1.5 metres away from others avoid physical […]



Update COVID 19

Information for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities on Coronavirus (COVID-19). This information has been prepared by the Australian Government Department of Health in response to the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19). It aims to provide key information to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander households, communities and stakeholders as information changes, or new resources become available. […]


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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People are advised this website may contain images, names or voices of people who have passed